Steel Off-Road Wheels comes with one of the best warranties in the industry 2-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY , accompanied with great customer service. while other companies warranties are only 1 year , we knew we could step it up and give our customers 2 years of warranty on some of the hottest wheels in the industry. to contact more about how you can start a warranty process give us a quick email at
Congragulations on your new purchase of Steel Offroad Wheels
1) Trial fit all wheels to the vehicle before mounting tires to ensure the wheel is properly matched to the lug pattern and there is adequate caliper clearance. Never force a wheel to seat against the hub. The wheel must go into place freely. Clear the axle flange of obstructions such as rivets, guide pins, screw fasteners or spring steel keepers before installing wheels.
2) Mount tires in compliance with directions and practices recommended by the manufacturer of the tire mounting equipment. Steel Off-Road Wheels will not be responsible for damage due to improper or careless mounting practices.
3) WARNING! Do not use spacers to resolve any clearance problems. If spacers are installed, installer and/or user bear all responsibility.
4) Check for excessive stud length. Excessive stud length will bottom out a closed end lug nut, preventing the wheel from being properly torqued to the mounting surface on the drum or disc.
5) Use only use Steel Off-Road approved lug nuts.
6) Do not inflate the tire in excess of 60 p.s.i. (40 p.s.i. in California) in order to seat the tire bead on the wheel. If the tire will not seat at these pressures, check for unusual obstructions, proper use of tire mounting lubricants or a possible tire/wheel mismatch.
7) Tighten lug nuts in a progressive criss-cross pattern. Impact wrenches are not recommended due to the possibility of irregular or improper tightening. Owner’s manual recommended lug nut torque specifications should be followed.
8) Spline lug nuts are recommended. Use a Torque Wrench to tighten lug nuts.
9) User must return to installer at 25 miles and 100 miles to re-check lug nuts for proper torque.
10) Stud penetration into the threaded portion of the lug nut should be in excess of the diameter of the stud. Studs should be free of rust and dirt. Threads on the stud should be undamaged and free of lubricant.
11) Use tire manufacturer’s rim width recommendations for wheel and tire selection. Fender clearance should be checked before mounting more than one tire.
12) Check for proper fender and caliper clearance and true rotation of all wheels before driving your vehicle. Turn the front wheels side to side to check for possible interference. Clearance should be checked while the vehicle is on the rack as well as after the weight of the vehicle is lowered on to the suspension. Drive the vehicle as reduced speed (10 mph) as a final check against interference.
13) Keep wheels clean. The chrome, clear coat or aluminum finish will be damaged if foreign material, brake dust, dirt or chemicals are not removed promptly. NEVER CLEAN WHEELS WHEN THEY ARE HOT! Clean wheels regularly with mild soap and water only. The finish of your wheels may be permanently damaged by caustic soap used on some commercial car washes. Any abrasives, steel wool or chemicals applied to your wheels may damage the finish.
To the fullest extent recognized by the laws of the state where the wheel was purchased, Steel Off-Road issues this limited warranty to define the rights of the purchaser, and limit Steel Of-Road liability, with regard to warranty claims.
Steel Offroad warrants that our wheels will be free from structural failure under normal and intended use for as long as the original retail purchaser owns the product.
Except as specifically set forth below, Steel Off-Road warrants that products manufactured will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal intended use for a period of one year from retail purchase.
1. Wheels NOT purchased from an authorized dealer.
2. Any damage or defect caused by abuse, misuse, neglect or accident. Any damage or defect caused by racing or off road use or by road hazard impact.
3. Wheels that have been altered repaired or modified.
4. Wheels installed with spacers or adapters.
5. Wheels installed with incorrect tire sizes or used with excessive vehicle loads.
6. Wheel corrosion or cosmetic flaws occurring after purchase due to chemicals, caustic cleaning agents, climate conditions or neglect.
7. Chrome pitting or discoloration due to lack of maintenance.
8. Blemishes, peeling or discoloration on the back side of the wheel.
9. Fading or discoloration of chrome or painted accent accessories caused by exposure to caustic elements.
10. Appearance blemishes or defects on wheels that have been mounted.
11. Wheels damaged by shipping or handling. Inspect shipments and contact the shipping company if any products are damaged. Shipping damage claims must be filed with the delivery carrier.
The Steel Offroad Warranty is valid only to the original consumer/purchaser, when the wheel is returned to the authorized dealer from whom it was purchased, freight prepaid with proof of purchase. This Warranty does not cover removal or installation expense.